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Create Sophos Install Package


Include exported preconfigured policies Builds a compressed self-extracting and installing package executable.. sau/CID which can apparently be copied from there and used to install (might have to remove the _CodeSignature) • Inside the standalone 'Sophos Installer.. Multi-platform organisations are likely to have a Windows server (or more than one) and can therefore run Sophos Enterprise Console to create and manage a Mac installer for Sophos Anti-Virus.. I can just periodically copy this mpkg to them or have a tool like ARD push it to them (on this disconnected network).. Set a primary and secondary update location, which can include a secondary location of Sophos.. Other than Sophos Enterprise Console has anyone else found a solution to let you mass deploy SAV9? Note: Yes if you install SAV9 manually on a Mac and then make a monolithic master disk image that would work, however I like many others now prefer to use a thin imaging approach (via InstaDMG or AutoDMG).. Just noticed the same thing My findings so far: • The standalone 'Sophos Installer.. app' creates 'Sophos Anti-Virus mpkg' in /Library/Caches/com sophos Download semi jepang.. Unfortunately SUM only supports SAV8 and does not support SAV9 SAV8 is being discontinued in April 2014 and does not officially support Mavericks.. I have done this in previous companies Previously Mac only organisations could use Sophos Update Manager to do much the same on a Mac server.. • Uninstall SAV8 While it is possible to install SAV9 over the top of SAV8, SAV8 currently has auto-update settings pointing to SUM, we need to clear those settings and have SAV9 directly update from Sophos.. Therefore if you use it on a fresh Mac or one on which you have cleaned out the previous installs preferences it does not know how to auto-update.. • As per build a pre-configured installer Application • Copy the Application to the client Mac either as is, or you could build a customer pkg containing it • As a post copy step, run a shell script and do the following command path/to/Sophos Install Application/Contents/MacOS/InstallationDeployer --install Contrary to what the built-in 'help' for the InstallationDeployer says, I did not need to specific a product name, in fact I could not find a valid product name to use - hence not using one.. I have found that if you do the following in the following order the desired results seem to be achieved.. If the InstallationDeployer command is executed from root it will run without a GUI session and without needing additional authentication.. app/Contents/MacOS/InstallationDeployer --install ``` also seems to install it properly.. Bit messier than I thought it was going to be, the following looks like being the 'official' way to do it.. One could drop the Sophos Installer app into /var/tmp and run the command with a postinstall script however, i haven't done any QA testing for both methods yet, so i might be totally wrong.. Ok, I did a bit more testing, as mentioned the mpkg you found does not include the needed auto-update preferences.. Jul 6, 2017 - Choose one of the following two packager methods Create both managed and unmanaged packages.. Note: Sophos support don't know how to do this, but I got pointed in the right direction by a manager.. For the past few major releases, Sophos used a standard installer package to install both their free and paid antivirus solution.. It will help with a different problem we have (which is not Sophos' fault) which is for some Macs never connected to the Internet.. The final possibility and the one Sophos are pushing Mac only customers to, is to sign up for an extra cost subscription to Sophos Cloud.. app', there is an 'InstallationDeployer' binary Running ``` /path/to/Sophos Installer.. As a result it cannot be deployed using Apple Remote Desktop, Casper, Munki, or any other Mac management tool.. (The application needs to be run as an application on each client Mac to do the actual installation.. With the release of Sophos Anti-Virus 9 x though, Sophos changed how their antivirus solution for Macs was installed.. It is therefore urgent to move all Macs to SAV9 by April 2014 If you have no Windows Server, and can no longer use SUM, this leaves two more possibilities, first you could use the standalone SAV9 installer.. It is worth looking at further though as in the past with SAV8 it was possible to have some settings files outside the mpkg itself but in the same folder.. Good spot, it does get us closer but that mpkg does not contain the pre-configured auto-update settings.. However at least with Adobe Flash you can find if you look hard enough a standard package file to install Flash.. This does let you manage via the Cloud your Macs, it does let your Macs directly update from Sophos, but a) the website for Sophos Cloud is not 100% Safari friendly, and much more importantly b) the installer it produces is yet again an application and not an installer package! The only approach that still gives you a proper installer package is via Sophos Enterprise Console running on a Windows server.. It is even possible to pre-configure the auto-update account details for this Unfortunately Sophos have made this installer an application and not an installer package.. Sophos have gone from being one of the best Mac enterprise anti-virus solutions to (perhaps) the worst.. ) This stupid design is like the equally stupid approach taken by Adobe and Flash. a5171a3e95

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